
I hope I don’t forget all of the little things about my kids as they get older.  The other day Nicole was very tired and she stared singing herself to sleep.  It reminded me of how 12.7.08 Isaac with blocks-1 Isaac used to do that all the time.  Obviously at this age they’re not actually singing, but they make sleepy vocalizations continuously which sounds like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and it fades out then starts again.  When Isaac was a baby he would do that regularly and sometimes he was very loud.  You could hear him "singing himself to sleep" in other rooms of the house.  The other thing he did to put himself to sleep was rub my thumb.  As he got older he would actually rub so hard that sometimes my thumb would hurt by the time he fell asleep.  He did this by rubbing his finger across the top of my thumb towards the nail.  He eventually learned how to rub his own thumb to fall asleep.  I think he has finally retired this habit, but I also don’t see him fall asleep anymore so I can’t say for sure.

Recently he decided that his new favorite color is green.  Yesterday I wore a white shirt with green writing.  He told me that my shirt was saying "I like you" to him because it was his favorite color.  Then he said "I want to wear a green shirt to say I like you to myself."

One day I told him the neighbor (Makenna) would come over.  Shortly after I told him that he changed his clothes and as he put on his Incredibles underwear he asked "Will Makenna want to watch Incredibles all day because of my underwear?" (I found it funny that he would think his underwear had any control over what someone else would want 12.8.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole-1to do).

Today he said "you don’t want me to die before you because you love me?" to which I  responded that I would be sad if he died before me because I would miss him.  He said "so we all want to die at the same time?" 

Last night he woke up crying which was extremely rare for him.  When I came in he said worms were all over his bed.  I convinced him to say a prayer and he prayed that all the worms would die.  He woke up crying a second time and said that "grabbing things" were in his bed this time.  He then prayed that all the grabbing things would die.  I brought him into my bed after that.  Tonight he was afraid that worms would come in through the door and prayed in his nighttime prayer that all the worms would die.  I’m wondering if worms will be his next big fear.  (recent fears:  Tigers, seals, babies, Ocean animals, and bugs, the Abominable Snowman)

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