Snapshots, part 2

Picking up where I left off. 

January 17th:  Here is Ila and Pumpkin (her doll) helping me do laundry:P1172831

P1172843I love Ila’s little face.  This is after she decided she could work better if she wasn’t holding pumpkin:P1172865She loves her doll.  Her super talented aunts, Laresa and Heidi made it.  They sewed the body, made the yarn hair, painted her shoes and her face and made clothing for her.  Nicole has an equally cute purple one which she also loves:P1172874P1172879Ila loves the color orange.  Sometimes she insists on wearing all three orange headbands at once:P1172900Sometimes Ila surrounds herself with orange things while she eats:P1172906Thomas loves apples, the other day I caught him eating the apple core right out of the apple cutter.  I guess I shouldn’t leave it on the table within his reach!  P1172910P1172909P1172911(Still January 17th)  Nicole taped this random assortment of paper scraps to her face:P1172921She loves to cut and tape things and I regularly find random bits of tape on toys and piles of cut up paper.

Thomas was particularly happy to have gotten ahold of my broom, so I took a picture:P1172922Ok, I’ll be honest, I took like 6 pictures.  This is how I accumulate such enormous amounts of pictures.  Some days I just think everything my kids do is adorable or funny (every picture on this post so far is from the same day).

January 18th:  Ila loves apples too, but she won’t eat the skins:P1182937The kids get in trouble for doing this, so I’m probably in trouble for taking pictures of it:P1182943P1182944Ila is pretending to cut Thomas’s hair.  The little girls love to do this to dolls and toys and other things.  They use two colored pencils and pretend that they are scissors:P1182945P1182946

Thomas played with his riding toy with help from his sisters.  I just love his expressive little face:P1182967P1182968Nicole kept helping him back on which I think made him a little nervous/worried:P1182961Ila was also impressed with her riding toy skills:P1182986January 19th:  My three girls watching a movie together in mom and dad’s bed:P1192994Zach and Isaac are working on a plane together:P1193018YouTube is helping them:P1193030Thomas is not helpful when I’m trying to mop or load the dishwasher:P1193027P1193036January 20th:  My mother gave Charlotte this sparkly blue dress, but Nicole fell in love with it.  Nicole wanted to wear it all the time and it started to become a problem so I hid it in the top of the closet.  I took the dress out on Sunday for Nicole to wear to church and she was still enamored with it.  She put it on and danced around and declared that it was a princess dress and that she needed a crown to go with it.  So we made her a crown.  Isaac really wanted to make Ila a crown too and Charlotte decided that she should make her own.  So most of Sunday morning was spent making crowns.P1203062P1203061P1203063Thomas loves technology.  He gets excited when he sees smart phones or tablets, or this little toy:P1203081He also loves his dad and my computer mouse:P1203085January 21st:  Kids with glowsticks in the dark:P1213105January 23rd:  My boys:P1233114Playing a game together before school:P1233115January 24:  Ila:P1243125Nicole loves oranges:P1243130

January 25th;  My little girls keep dumping out the book container and the stuffed animal container and making themselves beds in them:P1253155I have been working with them to clean up these messes (they’ve been happening  daily), I’m hoping soon they’ll be able to clean them up on their own, or at lest stop dumping everything out:P1253158

January 26th:  Whenever Thomas finds Nerf ammo, he puts it in his mouth and then crawls around and plays with it hanging out of his mouth:P1263192P1263204Isaac helps Ila use a Nerf gun:P1263200On Saturday the kids had Nerf battles and built fortifications:P1263205(we even had some neighbors over for the battle):P1263215Charlotte made a flower out of fruity pebbles, she was very proud of it:P1263227P1263226

Charlotte made a Playmobil 123 wedding, I wonder how she knew what one might look like:P1263237

Thomas thinks the cupboards are full of toys.  He was particularly amused with taking the lid on and off of this one:P1263247