Charlotte’s 5 year Well Check

3.2.11 lunch (4)

Name:  Charlotte Rose Cochran

Age: 5 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 1 day (on 3/8/11)

Weight: 36 lbs 25th percentile

Length:   40”      5th percentile

I had originally scheduled her for an appointment in TN before we left, but the nurse suggested waiting till after the new year so that her visit could be in the same calendar year that she starts kindergarten.

She was very nervous and sad about the immunizations.  For about two days afterwards she complained that her legs hurt, but she felt much better after some Ibuprophen.  Now the pain is gone and all she has left are a few small bruises where the shots were.

Also, for some reason she likes to randomly say “banana” at various unpredictable times during the day. (I realize that sentence is redundant, but I’ll let it stand).