Family Pictures!

Tomorrow’s the big day. Oops, It’s after midnight so I guess today is the day my oldest kid gets baptized! My in-laws are all in town.  It’s the first time we’ve all been together since we added 3 family members (Dan, Ila, and Thomas) so we had some family pictures taken.

Unfortunately our picture session started with the photographer backing into Ila as she tried to take a picture and knocking Ila down.  Ila cried and was grumpy for the entire session.  It was hilariously difficult to get a good picture of everyone.

Here is the whole group:2012 July family pictures_0002

All the adults:2012 July family pictures_0001Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids:2012 July family pictures_0003My family:2012 July family pictures_0005All the kids:2012 July family pictures_0007The oldest 3 kids:2012 July family pictures_0010The youngest 2:2012 July family pictures_0006The boys:2012 July family pictures_0009The girls:2012 July family pictures_0011Isaac and Charlotte:2012 July family pictures_0008And Thomas:2012 July family pictures_0004

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