Isaac’s Baptism

We had an awesome day on Saturday.  I feel very blessed.

On Saturday my son, Isaac, was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

In our faith, children are baptized at age 8, when they are old enough to be accountable for their actions and to choose for themselves whether or not to be baptized.  One’s baptism day is a day that is anticipated for years and remembered for the rest of one’s life.  (Here is a little FAQ on baptism and other topics.  One thing about Mormons, is that we like to talk about our religion and we aren’t shy about answering questions. So if you have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them.)

He started the day with a special breakfast.  A fresh doughnut and a letter from my mother (Grandma Bunny):IMG_5448We headed over to the church early to set up. There was a funeral going on all day at the church so the building was crowded and hot, but we did our best not to be disruptive to their event.

Here is the greeting table that I set up.  I took Isaac to get pictures taken a few weeks before at a place called Portrait Innovations.  They were having a special where you get a free mug with the picture on as well:IMG_5455

I had a picture mat for people to write him little notes on as a reminder of this day.  Here is what it looked like when it was finished (I am hanging it in his room):IMG_5494You can see the cover of the program in the picture above (a picture by Simon Dewey of Christ being baptized).  Here is what the inside looked like:IMG_5546Isaac picked all the assignments and songs for the program and choose the videos from The Mormon Channel.  On the back, was a copy of his testimony in his handwriting:IMG_5547Everything went smoothly and his mother cried:IMG_5457Here is a picture of some of the family who were there:IMG_5474IMG_5476After his baptism we had a meal in another room.  We had cranberry orange chicken salad with homemade wheat bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, potato salad and Jell-O Salad with banana split cake and cookies for dessert.  Here are some pictures that I took after everyone ate:IMG_5477IMG_5479Here are some close ups of the Lego creations that Isaac made to decorate the tables:IMG_5452IMG_5451IMG_5480IMG_5486We gathered back at our house and his Grandma and Grandpa Cochran and his aunts and uncle gave him a scripture case and triple combination with his name engraved on it.  His Great Aunt Margaret gave him a hymn book with his name on it.IMG_5493(He has loved the gifts.  Last night he wanted me to help him find some scriptures on baptism and he enjoyed reading his scriptures.  He was very proud to bring them and use them at church on Sunday)

We ended the day with a nice family dinner at Fairwood Thai Cuisine.

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