Thomas’s First Check-up

Today Thomas had his first well-check.  He is 11 days old.  They expect babies to lose some of their birth weight and then get back to their birth weight by the time they are about 2 weeks old.  Today, Thomas weighed in at 7 lbs 12 ½ oz.  He was 7 lbs 6 oz at birth and down to 7 lbs on the day that we left the hospital, so he has more than passed his birth weight.  He has also grown a little in length and is now 20 ⅜”.  2.17.12 ThomasHe has been such a good baby so far.  He hardly ever cries and is easily pacified when he does cry.  He sleeps most of the day and has an amazing ability to sleep through noise.  I am continually astounded that he sleeps through his big sister Nicole yelling and dancing around right next to him.  I’m glad that they do a hearing screening at birth, because I would be worried about his hearing otherwise.2.13.12 Thomas (9)

He was a good sport through a particularly rough appointment which included both a circumcision and a PKU screening (the test where they poke the baby’s heel and then squeeze it for what seems like a very long time as they fill all the circles on a card with his blood).  I was nervous about the circumcision because I didn’t think I could handle being in there with him while they did it, but I was overcome with guilt at the thought of sending him in by himself to go through it alone.  The nurse did a good job keeping him soothed with sugar water while the doctor did his thing and my good natured little Thomas didn’t even cry.