One Crazy Sunday

Yesterday was an interesting day. Zach had to be to church early since the choir was singing (he left just before 8:30). At 8:45 I headed out the door with both kids and the diaper bag and as I shut the door behind me, it locked and I realized my keys were still inside. Isaac was holding some of his noisy trucks that I had planned to leave in the car. I quickly put the trucks in the diaper bag and with no access to a stroller, I took off on foot.  We made it to church just in time to sit down before the meeting started. When I explained the truck dilemma to Zach, he took the trucks out to his car. While he was gone, Isaac remembered the trucks and attempted to hop down off the pew, but his head went forward and he hit the hymnal holder and he let out a cry. The meeting was just beginning and Zach was still placing the toys in his car—luckily someone behind me offered to take Charlotte so that I could take my injured and crying Isaac out into the hall to calm down. He ended up with a nice read mark right next to his eye (pictured above). The rest of the meeting went ok and Sunday school passed without incident. I took my place in the back of Relief Society with the other mothers (we have our own row with space for our babies to play right in front of us). As I was sitting there listening to the lesson with Charlotte standing right in front of me, the sister beside me nudged me and pointed to Charlotte. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. First I saw what looked like water spilling onto the floor at her feet then I looked up and saw that she did not have any water to spill. That’s when it occurred to me that it wasn’t water at all. I lifted up her dress to find that one of the straps of her diaper had come open and the diaper was detached and the diaper was falling off. I quickly reattached the strap, blotted the floor and took her in for a diaper change. Amazingly her dress, socks and shoes were all dry—the floor was the only casualty! The picture is of Charlotte before Church–doesn’t she look innocent?