Growing up

Well, the pacifiers are finally gone.  Here’s the story as it is written in the family log:


3.3.07 Isaac decided to grow up a little today. We were a t Walmart and he wanted to see the trucks. I told him that he had to trade his pacifiers for new trucks. We found a small set that he really wanted so he agreed to trade his ’plugs’ for it. When we got home he ran into his room and got two ‘plugs’ and I traded with him. He was very excited and happy about the trade. We brought it up several times during the day as he played with his new trucks. When I told him that he was such a big boy he lined up next to the fridge so I could mark how much he’s grown!

3.13.07 The first night after giving up his pacifier was rough. He had fallen asleep in his dad’s arms so I thought we had lucked out by skipping the fight to go to sleep the first time with out his beloved ‘plug.’ Unfortunately, he woke up at 11:00 and realized that he had no pacifier. He cried and screamed. He said no more new trucks. At one point he came up with a plan. He gathered up all the new trucks and put them in his closet then asked for his ‘plug.’ I held firm through hours of crying and begging me to trade his trucks back. Finally at 4:00 am he fell asleep, exhausted. The next morning when he woke up he rolled over and said in a very sleepy voice ‘no plugs.’ We talked about how big he was and discussed his new trucks several times. He didn’t have another night like the first one, but there were a few times that he asked for his ‘plugs’ and offered to trade the new trucks. I think he cried one other time when he was tired and wanted his pacifier. Ten days later, it seems to have worked. He no longer asks for his ‘plug.’ With that success behind me, I decided it was time to take away Charlotte’s pacifiers. She is less attached to hers and she still sleeps in a crib so although she cried, overall the transition was smoother for her. I took hers away on Friday night, but allowed her to have it back for a half an hour during Relief Society—I didn’t think it was appropriate to make her cry herself to sleep in that setting.