Wisdom of a Toddler

5.12.07 – 6.6.07 I’ve been making little notes here about things Isaac has said, but I haven’t written about them so I don’t have real dates for each one, but I know they happened between the dates above.

One day I told Isaac that I needed to go fix my hair, he came to the door and yelled out to me that his hair was broken and mommy needed to fix it.

I don’t know why, but Isaac goes through these phases where he wants to sleep in different places. For about two weeks he slept almost every night on the table top in his room. I think the only nights he didn’t sleep on the table top were the nights that he was so sleepy that he fell asleep before he had time to think about it. He regularly sleeps on the floor as well.

One morning Isaac was watching a Baby Einstein DVD that showed l ots of images of animals. He came running up to me and said ‘Mommy, go to store buy cows.’ Later he asked me to buy dogs and bugs and horses.

One day after making a mess Isaac said “Oh no, mommy needs to clean it up. Mommies good at cleaning up.”

I took Charlotte into the nursery a few weeks early to help her acclimate. One day we went on a walk and Isaac saw a bird he yelled out “Bird say tweet tweet.”  a week or two later he yelled at the neighbor’s train to say “whooo whooo.”

The other day Isaac said “Mom, buy more money at the store.” Obviously he still has lots to learn about how money is acquired.

One day when I came home, Isaac said “Mom, put Ohio on” which apparently meant he wanted to watch the home movie where he went to Ohio.

Isaac has been anticipating his birthday ever since Charlotte’s birthday in December. For the weeks leading up to his birthday he would say “Isaac’s birthday is coming up and Laresa’s birthday is coming down.” Prior to his birthday, we went to the party store and bought a letter banner that spelled out “ISAAC3” and every time I asked him how to spell his name he’d say “with a 3.”