I’m posting because I have to!

I’m nearing the end of my special education lisensure program.  I think if I had realized what this program entailed I would not have persued it, but it’s way too late for that now and I think when it’s all finished I’ll be glad I did (as long as I can pay off all my student loans quickly).   The point of writing that was to introduce the reason for my post, but I got a little sidetracked.  

As part of my ‘Capstone Seminar’ class I was required to write three goals for the semester and posting in this blog is one of the goals.  I committed to post once a week, so at least until the semester is over, I’ll be a better blogger.  So this is actually homework and I get points in class for it.

I don’t know if anyone reads this blog who doesn’t know what I’m doing this year, but just in case here’s the short version. 

As one of the last steps to getting my liscense to teach special education, I am required to complete student teaching.  Since I already have my bachelor’s degree I’m actually allowed to accept a full time positon at full pay and benifits and complete the requirements through my job.  So I went the extra mile and took two jobs.  Ok, it’s really only one job, but it’s at two schools.  I start off my mornings at Canyon View Jr. High (pictured above and to the right) at lunch I drive over to Orem Jr. High (pictured above and to the left) to finish out my day.  Let’s just say it’s been a difficult experience so far, but it’s getting better.