The brain of a toddler is an interesting thing!

From our log: 

9.26.07 Zach and I came home for lunch today and as we were making sandwiches, Zach was teasing Isaac a little and said “should we make a Eustace sandwich?” to which Isaac said “No, Eustace is not a pickle!”

We walked down to the park this evening and imageI brought along my new camera. Isaac and  Charlotte were holding hands and walking down the sidewalk so I let go of the hand I was holding and took some pictures from behind and from the front. Isaac got very concerned and told me that I needed to keep them safe from cars by holding a hand. He would say “you need to keep us out of the street.” On the way home from the park he once again declared that he was Charlotte’s mom, but this time he said that I was her mom as well and that she had twimageo mommys. Then he started to talk about how Charlotte’s two mommys love her and keep her safe from cars and when she cries, her two mommys give her hugs and kisses and help her to be happy. It was very sweet, despite the fact that he refused to accept the role of big brother instead.

9.27.07 Here’s a conversation that Zach told me about. He said “Isaac, does dad love you? ” Isaac: “yes” Zach: “How much does dad you love?” Isaac: “Daddy loves Isaac a little much”

9.30.07 Grandma Cochran (Zach’s mom) said the other day she was putting a shirt on Isaac and saiimaged something about putting the shirt over his little head to which he replied “Isaac does not have a little head, Isaac has a big head.” Which is actually a quite accurate description.

This morning Isaac woke up all wet. I threw his sheets in the wash before church. When he came home and saw his bed, he said “Isaac’s bed is naked. The bed is cold, it needs some blankets on it.”

Then this evening as he was enjoying possibly the first Sloppy Joe that he has ever eaten, he started talking about it and he said that it has sausage and chicken in it.

Charlotte likes to climb up on Grandpa’s Tricycle.  She’s so proud of herself after she makes it to the seat.  She sits down with a triumphant smile and puts her feet up.