We’ve gone Green!

All the environmentalist nonsense in the media lately made me think of this title.  I was actually just going to write something like we finally painted, but we have such a big contingent of environmentalist friends that I thought I’d fool them all (well, at least the ones who didn’t notice the picture). 

 It’s late, my brain functions differently past 10:00 so I appologize for this blog.  We don’t actually have any environmentalist friends, but my pictures look out of place (or so I’ve been told by my beloved husband) if I don’t write enough text to encapsulate them in. 

So the point of this blog is to show a picturesof our newly painted green bathroom.  Unfortunately, it’s too small to really see much, but you can get the idea.  The color is actually called Candied Lime.  I think the person who named it had been spending too much time sniffing paint because candied lime makes me think of an obnoxious lime green.  I really like the color, so if you hate it, then you might not want to comment.