Children and Cats Christmas Morning

This was the first Christmas where Isaac got the whole Santa thing (we’re still working on the Bethlehem angle with him), so he was very excited to go out and open presents.  He read the names and delivered presents to everyone, and each toy had to be enjoyed a little before another one could be opened.  Jill (the cat) also got a kick out of the boxes, as you can see by the pictures.  They’ve really enjoyed the gifts; I think we tried not to go too far overboard this year, and just get them a few things that will bring them some lasting enjoyment.  The wagon will have to wait for better weather, with the exception of the occasional ride around the house.  Charlotte loves her new kitchen toys, and their new doodle pads (the magnetic sort) have stayed interesting to both kids.  I think they both had a good time and things went pretty well.