Valentine’s Traditions

So, what’s your valentine’s tradition?  Flowers?  Chocolate?  A nice dinner?  My mother has this funny little tradition and the oddest thing about it is that she didn’t even know it was a tradition!  I’ve noticed over the last several years that she goes to the dentist on Valentine’s day.  So today when I called her I asked how her dentist appointment was and when she actually starteted telling me I had to laugh.  I explained to her that no one had told me she had an appointment, but that everytime I talked to her on Valentine’s day she had been to the dentist that morning.  We both had a good laugh after that.

As I started writing this post Charlotte was driving cars down her leg and saying “weeee” then giggling while  Isaac was “making his train beautiful.”  He was doing this by decorating the couch with small cars and other odds and ends.  Now they’ve moved on to cooking.  Isaac says they’re making “soup with french fries in it.”  It sounds like a culinary masterpiece.