The Musings of Mormon Toddlers

My sister-in-law (Heidi) sent me an article about funny things kids say as they grow up in "the church" and I figured I had a few to add to that list, so here are some relevant musings from our log: 7.27.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (1)

Not too long ago:  I had explained to Isaac that President Hinckley had died and that now we have a new prophet named President Monson.  He must have been pondering that one day when he came into the room and said "What time will we get a new Jesus?"

Zach has been encouraging Isaac to be more specific in his prayers.  One night as Isaac was saying his prayers and he said "thank thee for all the blessings" Zach prodded him by asking "which blessings" to which Isaac responded "Thank thee for blessing number 8 and blessing number 9."

7.13.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (2) 7.24.08 It’s Pioneer Day Today.  We turned on the television to watch the parade and we saw a pre-recorded message from President Monson (the current prophet) so I asked Isaac if he knew who that was and responded confidently "Heavenly Father" I said no it’s president. . . and he responded correctly at that point by saying President Monson.

A few weeks ago we asked Charlotte to pick the opening song for Family Home Evening.  She immediately started singing "Happy Birthday."

7.20.08 After we finish reading scriptures at night, Isaac often wants to add his own scripture which he "reads."  He will point to the cross-references at the bottom of the page and say something like "Nicole should not cry."  The other day he said something to the effect of we should try to be good and not receive the holy ghosts.

3.12.08 I walked in the door after work and Isaac said “Mom, is the Savior watching over me?”  I said “yes.” Then he asked “Does the Savior live with Jes6.8.08 Isaac (1)-1us?”

3.1.08 As we pulled into the driveway I noticed some missionaries walking by the house.  I told Isaac that they were missionaries and that they teach people about Jesus.  I asked if he wanted to yell hi to them, he said yes then yelled “Hi missionaries” and waved.  He continued to ask me about missionaries as we walked in the door and I told him that missionaries teach people what Jesus is like.  To which he asked “what do Jesuses like?  Hot Cheetos?”

2.23.08 Isaac ran in to the kitchen where I was making dinner and announced “Mommy, I asked Heavenly Father on my knees for donuts.”  I told him that if he cleaned up his books, I’d give him a brownie and he responded by asking if Heavenly Father would give him donuts after the brownie.

2.12.08 Isaac’s prayers are sometimes interesting.  I remember one night he said “thank thee for Charlotte not being good for prayer.”  Recently he said “thank thee for all the good things, thank thee for all the naughty things, thank thee for things that will bite me.”  Tonight in his prayer he said “thank thee for naughtiness.”

9.24.07 Ch7.6.08 Charlotte (8)arlotte has embraced negation, particularly at bedtime.    I’ll say “it’s bedtime Charlotte” to which she’ll replay “no bedtime” then I’ll say that it’s time to change her diaper and she’ll say “no diaper change.”  “Time to read scriptures” = “no scriptures.” When I tell her that it’s time to say a prayer and she’ll say “no prayer” and as I say the prayer she sometimes says no to the things in the prayer.  “thank thee for Isaac” = “no Isaac” and so on.  Just before I lay her down in her bed I always tell her that I love her, to which she replies “no love you.”
When she’s not negating everything I say, she’ll often pray with me.  It started out just at night when I’d say prayers with her before laying her in her crib.  She’d start saying “Thank you, Isaac.  Thank you, mommy.  Thank you, daddy. . . .” with a big “Amen” at the end.  It wasn’t long after she started saying night time prayers that she started also joining in on other prayers.  Now she’s to a point where we say the prayer over dinner and we can hear her sweet little voice saying  “Thank you, Isaac.  Thank you, mommy.  Thank you, daddy. . . .” Our prayers at night often have a little girly echo and even in sacrament when someone gets up to pray we often see Charlotte bow her head, fold her arms and say “Thank you, Isaac.  Thank you, mommy.  Thank you, daddy. . . .”

Last night we had some family over for dinner and Isaac was so anxious to  eat that he pointed to his grandfather and said “Grandpa, close your eyes and put your arms like this” after which he demonstrated his best praying posture.