Neverending Laundry

I actually used to enjoy doing the laundry.  It was my excuse to sit down and watch a  show while I folded clothes.  That was before I had three children now it seems to have become the 9.1.08 Charlotte (3)bain of my existence.  Between the baby’s spit-up and drool and the messy eating and accidents from my other two, I end up doing laundry nearly everyday.  If that weren’t enough, I never get through folding a batch without at least three interruptions, some of which last for a half an hour or more.  If I save it till the kids are in bed and I’ve done my other nightly chores, I find myself too tired to finish it.  I feel like I’m always in some stage of doing laundry–this is one of those things that gets better with time right?  How old do the kids have to be before I insist they wash, dry and fold their own clothes?  I’m considering starting them all on their own laundry at age 5, while I’m at it, I could start charging rent at age 10!