My Little Guinea Pig

Nicole participated in a study on Thursday at the BYU infant development lab.  image0-1They’re studying different auditory-visual responses in 5 month olds.  Nicole’s test involved wearing this lovely electrode hat and watching a video.  She did rather well and proved to have a good attention span, but was not well pleased when they placed the wet electrodes on her head.  She began to squirm, but resisted the urge to cry.  Personally, I think this picture reminds me of the old days when my mother would give me a perm at home.   It reminds me of the way one looks with perm rods in one’s hair.


  • That’s what you get for being a baby. People can just walk all over you and put funny stuff on your head.

  • Melissa

    Wow, that’s quite the look!

  • When they said electrode hat, I imagined something cuter and much less invasive and certainly not soaked in water!

  • I am so excited to leave a comment on your blog! I tried to sign up for a way to do it previously but couldn’t figure it out.

    That picture draws out mother heart strings in me! What a sweety! I can’t believe she didn’t cry. Atleast it wasjust a study and nothing is wrong with her.
