Candy Confessions

I just can’t bring myself to allow my kids control over a large supply of candy so this is  what I do:

On Halloween I usually confiscate all of the children’s candy within an hour of our arrival home.  I allow them a small amount of time to gorge, but I start to fret about 3.23.08 Isaac (3)them eating too much candy and remove it as soon as I can manage.  I put the candy in a container and they earn pieces for doing chores at a rate of one candy for every 4 chores.

On Easter I do the same thing, I remove it as soon as I possibly can.  One time I was so reluctant to give them candy throughout the year, that when the next Easter rolled around I still had candy from the previous Easter.  I actually reused the candy and then reconfiscated it.

I have even taken away candy that they came home from a birthday party with and then made them earn the candy back at the rate and in the manner listed above (4 chores =1 candy).

For the last few months, I’ve even made them earn their fruitsnacks?!  Have I become overcontrolling?  Or do other moms do this too?


  • Erin

    pretty much my kid earns candy through whining. or, just by asking me so many times for candy (this morning for instance, the first thing evan asked for was candy–he likes to get the asking started early you see) that i lose track of how many times i’ve consented (example: can i have a candy with my lunch? can i have a candy cause i went poop? can i have a candy after school?) so, pretty much, i think you need to come over to my house for a day or two and toughen me up on the candy issue. good job! keep it up! lol!

  • Jeni

    Ehehehe! I do much the same thing! You get way more out of your kids by doing 4 chores for every piece. It just depends, but I will tell them in advance what they need to do to earn it. It cracks me up that another mom does this! Way to go!


  • Jenn

    I don’t do that with candy, but I think i’m going to start! what a great idea!! Alex doesn’t eat much candy anyway, but I think it would be a great motivator for Ashlee. thanks for the suggestion Kathleen and keep up the good work!

  • Sarah

    I like that you re-hid last years surplus! You’re a good mom Kathleen, I usually distract Josh from the candy or juice or soda with an avocado or apple sauce or yogurt. He’s not very insistent on what he’s asked for yet.

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