Count Your Blessings

It’s been a draining week, with one (maybe two) more workdays left.  I don’t mean to gripe about too much work, especially when some Fortune 500 firm is in the news every day laying off workers.  I’m just tired. 

Each night, I go through a bedtime ritual with the kids.  Kathleen (sometimes I do this step if Nicole is fussy) gets them in the pajamas and their teeth brushed, then it’s off to their bedroom for scripture time.  We read one column from the Book of Mormon; Charlotte and Isaac split a verse (I prompt them through it).  Then it’s time to pray.  Boys pray on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, girls on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  On Sundays it’s whoever I feel like picking.

After prayer, we say "good night!" to Mom, and she goes off to put Nicole to bed.  Then it’s time for stories.  Usually I’ll read two books Isaac chooses, and sometimes on top of that some of Charlotte’s board books.  I try to read very dramatically.  Recent library favorites were "That Pesky Dragon", "19 Girls and Me", "Who Hops", and "Naughty Little Monkeys" (even though I’m worried that one gives them ideas.  Another weird one that Isaac likes is called "Little Pig is Capable".  Yeah, not the most dynamic title, but not a bad little book.

Once stories are done, it’s time for the kids to talk to Heavenly Father.  They have some weird little prayers, but I try to let them say whatever they’re thinking.  A common theme is being thankful for everyone’s bed: "Thank Thee for the flower bed; thank Thee for the car bed; thank Thee for the circle bed; thank Thee for Nicole’s bed. . ."

Then they tuck in.  Isaac is very picky: the duck blanket from Grandma goes first, then the sheet and bedspread, then the extra car blanket.  This pickiness is from the boy who used to insist on sleeping on the table in his room, or on the floor:

Once everyone is in bed, we always say the same thing: "I’ll see you in the morning!  I love you!  Good night!"  Sometimes I’ll add further recommendations: "Stay in bed!", or  "Don’t let the tigers bite!" or other good advice.  If I miss one of the main three lines, Isaac will yell, "Dad!  You forgot to say ‘see you in the morning’!"  Then we have to say the whole thing over.

So it’s been a tough week.  We’re worried about the future, money, society.  We had our little girl in the emergency room.  Work has been both busy and a little aggravating this week.  The nights are longer and colder.  In my better moments, when things seem tough, I remember to count my blessings.  In fact, I might even sing the old Irving Berlin song to myself.  It’s probably one of his best, actually.  So this post, which I think started as a rant, kind of turned into counting my blessings instead.  Here’s a link to a great version of the song.

I think sometimes this time of year can be a little too much for people.  I hope we all get a chance to be grateful this Christmas.