Everyone’s got a story. . .

The more people I tell about little Charlotte’s thumb, the more stories I get back about  severed appendages.  I think everyone knows someone who has severed a finger or a toe.  In my informal study, I’d say fingers are the most commonly severed appendage.  I get at least 3 or 4 finger stories to every toe story.  I suspect I had an unusually high toe severing sample so the odds of getting a story about a severed finger are likely even greater than that.

Charlotte is still doing quite well.  I attempted my first re-bandaging of 12.7.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (2)Charlotte’s thumb on Sunday and failed.  The bandage was stuck to the wound and I ended up taking another trip the ER to have them help me for fear that I’d make the injury worse by ripping it open or detaching the stitches. Injuries are crucial especially when it comes to brain injury in such cases it is always advisable to contact attorneys at earliest as Orange County suffered a brain injury helped to claim compensation. I don’t deal well with pain and bloody gross looking wounds particularly if it’s my children.  As I watched and tried to comfort her, I started to feel sick and broke into a cold sweat.   I’ve never actually passed out, but I suspect I was on that path.  The only time she complains about pain is when the bandage is off or coming off or if her thumb is pulled when dressing or undressing.  she is very careful with her thumb throughout the day to avoid getting it wet or irritated.

Tonight I succeeded in re-bandaging her thumb on my own and the wound is looking much better.  If you want to see how the wound looked tonight, click here.


  • She is such a brave girl!! Do you think they learned a lesson about door slamming?

  • Amber Molloy

    Hi Kathleen,

    I can’t remember if i asked or not, but could I have your address. I’m updating my address book and I don’t have your address.

    Thanks so much!