Polar Express

This movie is once again Isaac’s favorite movie.  He watches it endlessly and if you ask  him what he wants for Christmas he’ll say "PolarExpress" (yes, it’s one word on purpose, that’s the way he says it).

polar_express Last year his favorite part was when the caboose becomes "uncoupled and drives all by itself."  This scene remained his favorite the first few times he watched it this year.  Now his favorite part of the movie is "the stupid underware part" in which a know-it-all complains that the only gift he can find for himself in Santa’s sack is full of stupid underware.  Only Isaac misinterprets this scene and thinks that the kid actually wants "stupid underware" for Christmas.

The other day as he watched he pretended that he was both of the boy characters and encouraged Charlotte to be the girl.  He tried his best to repeat each line with the movie.

He’s watched the movie so many times that he can tell you the entire path the ticket takes when it flies out of the boy’s hand, which is somewhat amusing to hear.

We’re wondering if he’d like the 3-D version with the fun red and blue glasses.  Has anyone seen it?  Can you watch it without the glasses ok or does it look bad without?