Bryan’s First Week

My youngest brother moved in on February 11th and will be living with us for an unspecified amount of time (we’re still building his room–sorry Bryan). Anyway, I thought his first week was worth writing about, so here goes:

He arrived on Wednesday night just in time for dinner. Little Nicole stared at him all through dinner with an expressionless face that made us laugh. Every time I would look at her she was staring at Bryan.

Charlotte welcomed him in by showing him his chair at the table and telling him that he sleeps downstairs.

The cats showed their displeasure by leaving a ‘surprise’ by my washer. I responded to their ‘surprise’ by locking them downstairs with Bryan. Jack was so unhappy that he camped out at the top of the stairs. The next morning when Bryan attempted to come upstairs Jack hissed and threatened to scratch him. Bryan was scared of Jack so he went back downstairs and climbed out the window, but discovered the doors were all locked and he was without a key so he went back inside and found that Jack had abandoned his post and it was once again safe to go upstairs.


Thursday was spent setting up his first checking account, getting a haircut, ordering checks, filling out some paperwork at DI, going to Walmart for a few items, and Celebrating Heidi’s Birthday in the evening.

Friday we went to the library with the kids and Friday night we had dinner with one of my old roommates and her family. Krista picked Bryan up from there and he spent the night and much of Saturday with her.

Sunday he practiced walking to church before going to his own singles ward by himself at 1:00. After Church Krista picked him up for dinner with some friends from home (Josh and his wife). He went to Ward Prayer after he got home.

Monday we may have stayed home all day. Bryan cooked his first dinner for the family before heading off to help clean the church then go to FHE with his singles ward.

Tuesday we went to Kohls so that I could spend a coupon that expired that day. After Kohls we tried out the new ‘Buy Low’ market and Bryan called his teacher from the store to find out what her favorite flavor of Gatorade is. I bought large quantities of ground beef which I made Bryan weigh and package for the freezer before I would feed him lunch. Bryan made dinner for the family on Tuesday night using a recipe he got from Josh’s wife.

Wednesday he accompanied me to preschool group then the bread store. We spent the rest of the day at home. Zach and I went out after dinner for a date while Bryan stayed home with my mother-in-law to babysit.

That brings us to Today. We got pictures taken this morning then spent the rest of the day at home except for my two excursions to visit teach and my other excursion to go to book club. Bryan did his first two batches of laundry today.

I think it’s been a good week. The kids love their uncle and enjoy having him around. I have enjoyed how helpful he has been, emptying the dishwasher, cooking dinner, washing dishes, and helping with the kids. When I decided to write this, I thought I had a few funny stories, but I can’t think of them now, so I’ll add them later if I remember.

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