From the mouths of kids

Here are some recent things the kids said:

“I would sleep so hard that I couldn’t wake up. I’d be stuck asleep and you’d have to kiss me to wake me up. Would you kiss me? And after her birthday I would be stuck sleeping if you don’t kiss me.” Isaac (possibly before Charlotte’s 3rd birthday)

After biting his finger accidentally, Isaac said “My mouth thought my finger was food. My mouth thought it was salad”

“Mom, what time will Tigers eat us?”
“Mom, don’t let tigers eat us until we’re ready to die.” (so, when we’re ready to die we should let Tigers eat us?) “Yeah” –Isaac

“That’s the Tiger’s pretzels? Because of the white spots?” Isaac upon seeing footage of a Tiger eating a deer that had white spots on it’s back

In answer to the question “What are kids made of?” Isaac replied:
“They’re made of everything that skin covers.”

“What happens if a Lion goes into a machine that turns him into food for people, that would be chicken?” –Isaac

After getting a light spank for getting out of bed at bedtime, Charlotte said “I need pajamas that doesn’t have a spank on them”

2.10.09 “Before the end of my calendar will dinosaurs be replaced? Heavenly father will make some new dinosaurs?”3249692697_947b6d5061_b


  • Bunny

    I wouldn’t want to wear PJ’s with a spank on them either!

    Isaac’s answer to what kids are made of was a very clever response! And very funny. What a mind!

  • Well, if you don’t get out of bed when you’re not suppose to, you won’t end up with PJs with a spank on them either.