I need more mom time!

I am grateful that I got to see my mom last weekend, even if it was a very short visit. 1.23.09 Making cookies with Grandma Bunny (21) She is seriously one of my very favorite people and no matter how much time I get with her, I always want more.

She flew in on Saturday and spent Monday night at Krista’s before flying home on Tuesday morning.  We had just enough time to swim at my Uncle Toby’s house in Lindon, make cookies, play two hands of cards, stay up late talking twice, drink a 2.22.09 Story with Grandma Bunny (11)cup of hot cocoa, read stories to the children, play games with Isaac and Charlotte, hold Nicole, and make some soup.

After my grandmother’s death last year, we realized how few pictures we had of us as children with our grandmother so although we prefer to look at adorable pictures of the children by themselves, we have decided that it’s important to take pictures of the kids with their grandma and made sure to take more pictures this time.

***Grandma Cochran beware, I intend to take more pictures of you with my kids as well****