Making Doughnuts

I wrote this post and then the computer wouldn’t let me post it because Live Writer was not on speaking terms with our web hosting something or other, but it appears that they’ve settled their differences, so here it is.

The kids decided that they wanted to make doughnuts instead of going on an outing after they filled up their outing chart.  We took pictures of most of the steps, so read and view our adventure by clicking on the ‘Read More’ link below:

Step1:  Put ingredients into bread machine and turn bread machine on (not pictured)

Step 2:  After 1 hr 20 min take dough out and roll it
1.29.09 making doughnuts (1)Step 3:  Cut a big circle and a little circle in the dough (Isaac cut all the big circles, Charlotte cut all the small ones).1.29.09 making doughnuts (2)Step 4:  Put doughnuts and doughnut holes on cooking sheet 1.29.09 making doughnuts (4)Step 5:  Let doughnuts rise for 1 hour1.29.09 making doughnuts (5)Step 6:  Fry doughnuts in hot oil

Step 7:  Make glaze and frost doughnuts

Step 8:  Decorate doughnuts (Isaac thought big chunks of candy canes made the best decorations) 

1.29.09 making doughnuts (7)Step 9: Eat some, share some.