Cookies that make your hair grow

Here are pictures of us making these magical cookies.  As you can see, we made quite a mess.  The kids picked out all the shapes so we ended up with an interesting collection which included circles, hearts, dogs, cats, a sock (Christmas stocking), the letters H, P, and D, bunnies, gingerbread men, the number 1, flags, fish, a bear, flowers, stars, a duck, a dinosaur, and possibly more that I can’t think of at the moment.P1050896
As Isaac ate his first cookie, he asked “is my hair growing?” 

We decided to decorate them and share them with friends.  Isaac wondered if their hair would grow too.  I let him take the lead.  He choose who he wanted to give cookies to, choose the shapes to give them, and decorated them.  I think the results were amusing.  Maybe they were decorated in a way that only a mom could love with their random scribbles of frosting and miscellaneous leftover Christmas sprinkles.

The way he described who to give them to was at times amusing.  He wanted to give a plate of cookies to “the ones with chickens, because chickens lay delicious eggs” and to “the one who didn’t get married” and to “the one who does the music in primary.”  As we decorated the cookies for our neighbors, the Brooks, he asked “will they watch trains while they eat them?”  When we delivered them to Sister Brooks, he told her that one cookie was “for that other one that lives here.”  As we delivered the one to the primary chorister he said “they had to get a new one because the old one didn’t know enough songs, but the new one knows more songs.”

One comment

  • Merrells

    We were certainly grateful for them! I’ll to pay attention to see if my hair is getting any longer…