The strange and funny things that little mouths say

2.22.09 "The new Grandma sings!" Charlotte upon hearing her grandma Bunny sing to Nicole2.20.09 Isaac and Charlotte (8)

2.28.09  If Nicole spits up ever again, you should hold her over the toilet so the spit up will go into the toilet. Then Nicole would ask "where is my spit up?"  Isaac

After reading Richard Scary’s Busy, Busy Town, Charlotte wants to be a cat with clothes on that talks and she wants to build a house for walking babies, like Paul, and Isaac wants to grow his own wheat so that he can harvest it, grind it into flour and then make bread with it.

3.1.09 Isaac was helping me build a dresser when I discovered a few pieces were missing.  I said I was going to sweep the floor to see if I could find the missing pieces.  He said in essence, you don’t need to look I’ll just go pray for Heavenly Father to help us find it.  He ran into the living room, knelt said "Thank thee that we can find the missing pieces." then ran back in and said "They’re on their way!"

During dinner the other night, I was telling the children that forks help us eat messy food.  Isaac announced "that’s why Heavenly Father designed forks, for messy food." 2.20.09 Isaac and Charlotte (13)

Charlotte was eating corn bursts for breakfast this morning and when I asked her if she needed more milk she said "yeah, so the corn bursts can swim"

This one I just don’t understand:

3.2.09 Isaac woke up this morning complaining that his leg hurt.  He said it would feel better if he had some "Jesus rope" so he said a prayer and asked "thank thee to give me Jesus rope so that my leg could get better."  When I asked what Jesus rope is, he replied that it was a special kind of medicine.  At breakfast he continued to talk about this Jesus rope and offered to "shake it" to his sister which he did by taking her hand and giving her hand a little shake.

Charlotte dressed herself in pink and white flower pants (put on backwards) and an orange and green striped shirt.