
Does anyone else think it’s weird that we celebrate Christ’s triumph 4.12.09 Easter Morn (9)over death by saying a bunny hops around hiding candy and colored eggs?   Were still at that stage where we are developing our traditions and I just didn’t have it in me to hype the Easter Bunny—I need more justification for his “existence” I suppose.  We tried to be simple this year, we hid a bag of jelly beans and a bag of Reces Peanut Butter cups and gave each kid one gift.    We decorated hard-boiled eggs, but then I just fed them to the kids instead of hiding them. 

I tried to put more emphasis on Christ by talking about the Crucifixion and showing them a few movies about Christ and his Crucifixion.  Charlotte and I watched “To This End Was I Born,” and talked about the events at the end of Christ’s life.  I’m grateful for the special moments we had together as we watched that film.  After Church, we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner followed by a short Easter devotional.  Krista helped me fill 12 plastic eggs with scriptures and items surrounding Christ’s Atonement, Crucifixion, and Resurrection.  I hid the eggs around the living room and the kids found the eggs and delivered them to family members who read the scriptures contained therein.  We followed that activity by watching our Church’s Easter message (given my one of my very favorite Apostles).