I know, lets make a sign!

Ok, first of all, I have not felt any inspiration to blog lately so hopefully this post will end my 4 week hiatus and I will start blogging more often.  

Isaac is a very creative boy.  8.26.09 Isaac (2)Often when we talk about events or other such things, he suggests we make a sign.  On memorial day when I told him about my Grandma, he wanted to make a special sign for the yard to tell everyone that we were remembering Grandma O’Bryant.  Today, he really wanted to make a sign to announce that Grandma Bunny was going home and he wouldn’t be diverted from his idea.  He got the paper out, he found scraps of wood, attached the paper to the wood with tape, and asked me to write the words.  He had taped the paper so that there were two flaps and on one he had me write “Grandma Bunny is leaving” and on the other one he asked for “Grandma Bunny is coming.”  Next he found a scrap of wood with a pointed end and asked me to attach it to his sign.  Once attached we had to find a spot in the yard and hammer it in.  He is very proud of his sign, unfortunately the sun was in his eyes so I couldn’t get a great picture of him looking up—but you get the idea.


  • Too cute! Did you attend the O’Bryant reunion? We came down w/ a hard and fast stomache flu Friday and were just not up to coming Saturday. :( Hope it was a blast!


  • Sarah

    ok, did I miss something about a reunion? I think Isaac might like the idea of facebook, then everyone you know knows about your happenings. It’s been way too long. I love hearing about his business. thanks for blogging it.

  • Kathleen

    I did go to the O’Bryant picnic and unfortunately it wasn’t very well attended. Toby’s kids were there and your brother Jared and Grandpa’s brother Roger with just a few of his descendants. Jared mentioned that your kids were sick–it would have been fun to see you there.

    Sarah- they don’t allow 5 year-olds to have facebook accounts–I tried once–I thought it would have been a hoot to write about his daily status.