Isaac’s first day of school, part 1

I walked Isaac to school this morning for his first day.  6.27.09 Isaac's first day of school AM (3) Charlotte came with us and held  his hand as we headed off to school.  As he walked, Isaac turned to Charlotte and said “I love you, Charlotte” to which Charlotte replied “I love you too, Isaac.” 

At school he lined up right behind his best friend Sam Kelson.  I was glad he had a friend in his class to help him get over his shyness.  When they walked into the school, each time the line would lag a little bit, Sam would reach back and take Isaac’s hand to pull him forward.

As you might have guessed, I did cry a few times, but I’m not worried about him.  I’m excited for him to begin this adventure and I can’t wait to hear about his day.  I think I might be a little more nervous for him if it wasn’t for his friend Sam.  I know that with Sam there he won’t get too lonely or scared.