Quality Time with Nicole

I find myself with very little time during the day to spend one on one with my children, so I do my best to take advantage of any extra moments throughout the day.  I do things like play games with them while we wait in the grocery store line or at the doctor’s office and singing songs or talking with them in the car. 

Lately, Nicole has developed her own little way to have some time with her mom. 2.24.10 Nicole and mom's feet (4) It started off with Nicole trying to put my shoes on my feet once when I sat down to feed Ila.  Soon she was trying to put my shoes on me each time I fed Ila.  I recognized a new opportunity to play with her and I started trying to tickle her with my feet, or give her feet hugs.  Sometimes my feet try to dance with her or startle her by jumping when she least expects it.  I know this sounds strange, but we both started to really enjoy this time together.  Now whenever Nicole sees me sit down to feed Ila she gets a big grin on her face and runs over to my feet and she gets very frustrated if they’re not on the ottoman where she likes to play with them.

What Creative ways have you found to spend quality time with your kids (or others) when you find you lack quantity of time?


  • Sarah

    I often find my chores are being too endless, getting in the way of more important things like spending time with my boys. Sometimes I find I’ve caged my boys inside on a sunny day because I couldn’t get my chores done (in rainy Oregon that’s a carnal sin). So the house will be messy and we go to the park or I take a good break from my chores and play with the boys on the bed. They love playing on the bed. We play squash and jump off of each other and we play “tree” and there’s tickling and tripping and pillow fights. I only have two; Levi takes naps and Josh goes to school, so it’s not as hard to get one on one time with them. We really like cooking together. I’m also learning how to wear Levi so we can have time together as I go about my day. :)

  • erin

    i usually try to arrange my grocery shopping trips so that steve can watch 2 of the boys while i take one and so it becomes a mommy date to the store. also, the baby usually sleeps in the latest, so sometimes i get one of the boys up first so we have a few minutes together before the other one wakes up.