Organizing Tip #2 Making better use of hard to reach shelves/cupboard space

For me the least accessible/useable shelves have always been top shelves, corner cupboards, and the cupboard over the fridge.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever find a way to make the cupboard over the fridge accessible/useful without the use of a chair, but I have come up with some good ideas for the other two problem areas.  1.4.10 Kitchen Reorganization (9)

Top shelf items should either

  1. Be stored in a removable container     OR
  2. Be items with a handle

Although I cannot reach the top self, I can usually reach a handle or container.  Click here for another example with explanation.

I only have one solution to making better use of the corner cupboard space and that is to use a container. corner cupboard Corner cupboards tend to be deep and only the items in the front are easily accessible.  When a corner cupboard is filled with items, you would have to move front items to get to back items, however, a container allows you to reach the back items by simply pulling the container forward (much like how a drawer works), thus allowing you to easily access the deeper space.  You can also make use of the corner by using can rotator which allows you to load the top and access the bottom items.