Charlotte Quotes and a Story

“I have a frown because I have my favorite cup, but not my favorite, favorite cup.”

“Do you know that carrots like to be food?” (the picture below is of a carrot on a toothpick, referred to by Charlotte as a “Carrot Popsicle”)6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (59)Last week we were at the park for a High Priest social, when Charlotte announced that she had to go.  I took her to the bathroom and then decided that I should go as well.  Unfortunately, I neglected to notice that there was no toilet paper in my stall until it was too late.  I called to Charlotte and asked for some toilet paper.  She passed the most pathetic single ply I had ever seen under the stall to me.  So I asked for more.  Again she sent one little single ply.  So I told her that I needed 5 pieces of toilet paper.  She sent back one ply ripped into 5 pieces!  Thanks Charlotte!

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