Isaac Lost His First Tooth
Isaac was excited when the dentist told him he’d start losing his teeth when he was six. On Tuesday evening while our home teacher was over, he discovered a wiggling tooth. A look of shock quickly turned into a look of excitement when he announced that his tooth wiggled. He was very excited and even called a few select individuals to announce the news. He showed every family member, asked if he could tell the childcare staff at the gym, and offered to let his sisters try wiggling it. He had several questions, but the only one I can remember is the question about if it would hurt when it came out.
Today it just fell out of his mouth as he was eating pretzels. He excitedly announced that his tooth fell out and that it didn’t hurt at all. He let everyone see it and encouraged everyone to touch his tooth and the hole in his mouth. We talked about the new tooth that was already peaking up through his gums and he suggested that maybe when it was all the way through he should mostly eat with that one since it would be the biggest and strongest one. Tonight he sleeps with the tooth in a Ziploc bag under his pillow.