Flickr Stats

I currently have 20,742 pictures uploaded to flickr.  17,088 are tagged, 3,654 are untagged.  Most of the untagged ones were either uploaded by Zach who is not as meticulous about tagging or are early uploads which may not all be tagged.

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I was interested to see the make-up of my uploaded pictures so I searched names of family members and I was surprised by some of the results.  This search was not exactly scientific because I can’t even say with a certainty that there aren’t any mis-tagged pictures.  Here are the results of my search of names (arranged by amount—highest number of tags to lowest number of tags).

7,383  Charlotte

6,453 Isaac

4,295 Nicole

1,810  Ila

620 Zach

582 Paul (476 of which were labeled Paul IV)

448 me (tagged Kathleen)

372 Bunny

363 Jill (a cat)

283  (99 Barbara + 184 Barb)

246 Sarah

220 Bryan

198 Josh

188 Nate

163 Krista

122 Jack (a cat)

115 Heidi (although I noticed that one picture was of another Heidi and some pictures were from a trip with Heidi and she wasn’t actually in all the ones that tagged her)

114 Kathy

91 Lee

82 Levi

75 Leon

75 Jackson

65 Eustace

36 Laresa

30 Mickey

1 with Bethani in it (11 were tagged Bethani, but the rest were of a gift from her)

Some other interesting Stats on our flickr account:

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