I’m trying to wean Ila again

It’s not that I hate nursing, because I don’t.  It’s just taking over my entire life.  She wants to nurse all the time and refuses any other fluid.  She prefers it to eating solids too.  I often find that I’m nursing her as often as a newborn and it regularly hampers my ability to fully help my other kids.

Anyway, I hope it goes better than last time.  Here are some pictures of the funny face she makes when she sees me get out my camera:

1.26.10 our life (17)

1.26.10 our life (5)

1.5.11 Ila (17)

1.5.11 Ila (30)


  • natalie

    i think that might be the most photogenic baby ever! it seems i can only get pictures of the side of sams head b/c he looks away!

  • Erin

    oh my kathleen! as often as a newborn??? yikes! that sounds like a nightmare! good luck, i hope you have success weaning this time!