Sacrament Meeting Resources

Isaac loves to read our scripture stories books.  Most Sundays he will read a book of scripture stories throughout the entire sacrament meeting.  It’s neat because he retains a lot of what he has read and can recall it in family home evening and other times.  We were having a family home evening lesson on Moses and the brass serpent and I was surprised to hear Isaac remembering details of the story.  This week we were watching UP in which the main character is an old man who doesn’t have any children.  Isaac asked me if he was going to have kids and I told him that he was too old to have kids.  Then Isaac told me about a miracle he had read about where there were people who had a kid when they were very old.  His primary teachers have been astounded both at his reading skill and his knowledge of gospel topics. 

Scripture story books are $7.00 each and can be purchased here

Another thing I love for sacrament meeting is the gospel art book which is a spiral bound book of all the gospel art pictures.  I like to use them for my little ones who are old enough not to destroy paper books, but too young to read and I encourage them to look at it during the administration of the sacrament.  
Gospel art books cost only $3.50 and can be purchased here:

My third recommendation is not for sacrament meeting, but I thought I’d include it here anyway.  They make a gospel art kit with all the pictures that are in the gospel art book.  It’s perfect for family home evening with little kids.  Each picture has the story associated with the picture on the back in two forms.  One extended version with full scripture references and an abbreviated version.  I also love to use these pictures when my kids have primary talks.  I couldn’t find it in the church’s online store so I’m a little worried that they have stopped carrying it.

One comment

  • Claire

    We love all those things, too! We do a “scripture picture” story every morning as part of school. Isn’t it great that our kids pick up on so much? :o)