
Charlotte likes bananas.  The first time I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she thought for a moment and then said “a box of bananas.”  She brought up that gift suggestion a few more times before her birthday, so I wrapped up a box of bananas.  She was actually quite excited when she opened them and for the IMG_6714following week, every time we ate a banana she’d say “we’re eating a birthday present.”

A few weeks ago as we drove home from church, we asked the children what they learned about in church.  Isaac said they learned about Joseph Smith.  I asked them a few questions about what they learned and Charlotte piped up and said “I drew a banana on his shirt.”  When we got home, I took a look at the picture she had colored and sure enough there was a picture of Joseph Smith kneeling in the sacred grove with a banana on his shirt.

A few days later she decided she wanted to draw a snowman.  She said “I’ll need a piece of paper and some crayons.  I need a white one, and a black one, and an orange one (for the carrot nose), and a yellow one–in case I want to draw a banana.”

Also, Ila finally tried bananas and she likes them.  She asks for them by name, but she will only eat full sized bananas.  If I slice or break them into little pieces, she will not eat them.  She likes them best if I give them to her with the peel on and she will only eat a half a banana at the most, by that time the banana piece is too small and I can’t get her to eat any more of it, even if I give it to her at her next meal.


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