Ila’s favorite food

If you read the comments on my last weaning post, you’d know that I gave in the next morning and nursed her.  It’s not a complete loss.  I have scaled back to nursing her no more than 4 times a day.

I don’t know if it had anything to do with this attempt to wean her, but she is starting to try more foods now.  She ate her first piece of cinnamon toast this week and really liked it.  She still won’t even try most of the things I offer her, but she has shocked me a few times by reaching towards something I’m eating and then being willing to taste it.

Zach brought home a bunch of unusual snacks from Uwajimaya (our local Asian grocery store).  Ila absolutely loved the Snow Pea Crisps.  They were the only thing she’d eat for dinner tonight.  She wouldn’t touch anything on her tray and just reached towards the pantry.  She eagerly asked for more each time she finished one and was sad whens she finished the last one in the bag.  So when I went out to get some groceries after bedtime, I stopped at Uwajimaya to pick up another bag—this time I got the family size.  On a side note, I wished I had my camera in the store, it was like walking into a completely different country.  I didn’t know what most of the things on the shelves were and the labels were not in English.  Here’s what the snow pea crisps look like;


At least they’re vegetable-like, unlike the chocolate goldfish she liked so much.  I don’t know that anyone would call them healthy, but the first ingredient is green peas and they are baked, not fried.

One comment

  • Sarah

    Oh my goodness, I love Uwajimaya! I have never tried soy bean crisps though. When Josh walks in, he acts like he’s scared of the 20 foot dragon sculpture hanging from the ceiling.