
I have pinpointed 11 houses in my neighborhood to make an extra effort to friendship. 

Step 1:  Cookies with a short intro and contact infoIMG_6669

I haven’t figured out a step 2 yet, maybe inviting some of them to dinner, one family at a time.


  • Bobbi

    You are amazing! That is a lot of cookies. I still need to go introduce ourselves to most of our neighbors. We are excited to come over on Tuesday!

  • Sarah

    Here’s my idea for step 2 (or 3)… just host a casual afternoon tea, invite moms over with their kids, it’s really just a glorified play date, and all you have to do is make peppermint iced tea and have snacks on hand for kids. I like to invite like one or two moms at a time and make it super casual.

  • Sarah

    Plus, I think your idea of getting to know them all is really awesome of you. Way to take initiative!

  • Erin

    i’m totally blown away by your motivation. seriously, i haven’t even attempted sugar cookies with icing since having 3 kids, and here you did it with 4! amazing!!