Organization tips–Laundry room

I had a chance recently to organize someone else’s laundry room.  I know it’s strange, but there’s something I really enjoy about organizing—I think it’s the problem solving.  Anyway, I know a few of my friends appreciate organization tips when I post them, so if you’re not one of those people, feel free to just skip this post.

Here are the two things that made the biggest difference:

1.)  Before:

Laundry room project (11)

Laundry room project (5)

You may not be able to tell from the picture, but this laundry room has a long, tall counter.  The things in the back were virtually unreachable and there is a lot of wasted space in the height of the counter.  My goal was to make this space 100% useable (meaning that you can easily reach everything under the counter and none of the space is wasted).

After:Laundry room project (16)I wish I had a picture from the other angle, but the solution was relatively simple.  I measured the space and we purchased two long deep containers.  They fit perfectly all the way to the back and easily slide forward in order to reach the items in the back.

2.)  Before:

Laundry room project (7)

It’s hard to tell from the picture, but this room was hard to navigate because there were two internal doors and a door on each side of the room and the doors conflicted with each other so that you couldn’t open most of the doors completely and they were always bumping into each other.


Laundry room project (13)We removed the internal doors and it was amazing how much that simple change opened up the room and made it more useable.  The space felt much larger with the doors removed.