Our Snow

As a person who grew up in the Midwest and then spent 13 years in Utah, living in places that stay relatively warm and have almost no snow is a new experience for me.  It’s been around 50 degrees most of the time since I’ve been in Seattle, but we did have a snow storm the other day.

Isaac enjoyed riding his scooter down the hill in the snow and throwing snowballs on the way home from school the day before.

IMG_6990I didn’t get many pictures of Charlotte, because she spent most of the time inside the house changing her snow gear (different hats, gloves, ect).IMG_6982Nicole, as you can see was well bundled up with two coats and her beach hat.  She also insisted on bringing her backpack outside.  She also spent much time in the garage saying “I need something to ride.”IMG_6988Ila was not content to watch from her stroller, she wanted to be in the snow, but she didn’t enjoy the snow for very long.IMG_6986