
Zach has made some good arguments in favor of switching our online photo storage from Flickr to Picasa.  I have not uploaded any pictures to Flickr since he has made this recommendation and now I’m woefully behind.  I thought I’d share some recent shots here with commentary as I mentally prepare for the switchover.

This is Isaac’s most recent haircut.  I went a little shorter than I usually do and I think I like the shorter cut better.IMG_6615My girls have all enjoyed playing together.  Ila will stay in the playroom without me for much longer when at least one of her sisters is in there with her.

IMG_6603 The next comment requires two pictures.  Ila and Nicole were making each other laugh the other day.  I failed to capture it on video, but they’d touch their feet together and then laugh and laugh.


IMG_6633We’ve been doing some baking in our new kitchen.  The kids always like to help.

Ila’s hair is still to short for pig tails. . .

and she hates them!

Nicole likes to copy her big sister.  She often mimics everything Charlotte says.  One day Charlotte accidentally spilled some water on her sleeve and I caught Nicole trying to spill water on her sleeve as well.

Ila is starting to try some more new foods.  She likes homemade bread, but only when it’s fresh and warm.  She seemed to really like raisins one day, but I haven’t gotten her to eat any since.  She likes cinnamon toast or warm bread with cinnamon and sugar on it.  IMG_6750

But some times I still can’t get her to eat anything except Snow Pea Crisps (which she refers to as “more more more”)

There was a dusting of slushy snow the other morning.  Nicole insisted on wearing a hat and didn’t care if it was a winter hat or a beach hat.

Charlotte wore two coats, a hat, and gloves. IMG_6775

I love this picture of Isaac and Nicole.  Isaac designed a sticker earning program for Charlotte and Nicole and told them that they could earn some time with him.  After watching a movie with his arm around Nicole, he told me that Nicole had earned that time with him.

IMG_6803We had a family adventure on Saturday.  We went to a park and then into the city.  It was a nice clear day, but a little too cold.  Check out this picture of the Seattle skyline with Mt. Rainer in the background.
