A Ferry Fun Adventure

We’ve started going on family outings every Saturday and I’ve meant to document them here, but I have not done a good job.  I will start with this last weekend’s adventure and work my way backwards.

We thought the kids would enjoy a ride on the Ferry into Seattle.  We drove to Bremerton, took the Ferry across, then drove home from Seattle.

We drove across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge:

We ate our lunch (sandwiches) in the car as we waited for the Ferry.

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We rode on a ferry named Kitsap that boarded at 12:20.

I think the whole family really enjoyed our ferry ride experience and it was neat to see the skyline as we approached the city.  This was the only shot we got of the entire family:

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I love this picture of Ila on the deck.  She was fearless and enjoyed walking along the deck of the ship.3.19.11 Ferry ride outing (11)

Charlotte remembered an episode of Curious George where George said that  a boat that carried cars on it was “the apple pie and ice cream of transportation.”

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Isaac was very scared the first few times we walked out onto the deck:

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But with the help of his Dad, he overcame his fear.

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Nicole liked looking out over the water and seeing the birds fly along with the ship;

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Did you notice the clear blue sky?  It was a beautiful sunny day.

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