Our Place in Washington

I think I’ll split this up over a few posts so that I can be more detailed (especially for those family members that may not get the chance to come visit)

This is the view when you step in the front door:IMG_6942And if you walked straight and turned around, this is what it looks like from the opposite side:IMG_6940

We’re trying something new with our shoes.  Instead of keeping them upstairs in their rooms, all the shoes are downstairs.  I let them keep 1-2 pairs here where they’re easy to access.  I soon found that I also needed a sock bin since the were always taking their socks off when they took their shoes off.IMG_7133 The rest of the shoes are kept in the closet under the stairs.  We installed a short coat rack in the closet too so that the kids could hang up their coats and backpacks—It has helped to have an easily assessable place for them to be responsible for their own things.IMG_6948 This is what you’d see if you entered the closet and looked through that small door.  The first time we looked at the house, this closet was the kid’s favorite.  Isaac even requested that it be his bedroom.  It’s full of suitcases and my vacuum.IMG_6512  This picture should help orient you to the location of the shoe closet.  It’s the door that’s closed in this picture.  If you scroll up to the first picture you can see where it is in relation to the entryway.IMG_6943 The open door is our downstairs bathroom, which we have named “the monkey bathroom” for obvious reasons.  I started printing and hanging pictures of the girls with their Curious George toy, but that means that most of the pictures hanging in this bathroom are currently of Nicole.IMG_6936IMG_6937 Next to the monkey bathroom is our office.  I don’t love that it’s the front room of the house because it’s the room that is taking me the longest to organize and the office is often the room that I ignore the most.  Maybe this will be motivation to get it into better order and keep it that way.IMG_7135IMG_7126As  you can see, I’ve still got some work to do in here, but it may be a few more months for me to post this if I wait to have it perfect.IMG_7127IMG_7130IMG_7129Next Post = The kitchen and Livingroom.


  • natalie

    so i love to see house pics. have you found a gym? i was so lonely without you so i started going to group fitness classes which had totally intimidated me but now i love them and i’m totally hooked.

  • krista

    That’s a nice house, Kath. I love the little closet- we call that the “harry potter” closet! The only problem with your house is that it’s not close enough to Texas! Seriously! Austin is a great city. . . (of course San Antonio is too, but I think Zach would be more likely to opt for Austin!)