Our Place in Washington, Part 3

The stairs twist around with several landings.  They are great for kids because it’s hard to fall down all of them at once and they’re carpeted.  Ila has learned to crawl up and down them and actually seems to really enjoy climbing up and down.IMG_6950IMG_6952

The master bedroom is through the double doors, but I realize that I neglected to take a picture of it, so I’ll have to post some pictures of it later.IMG_6951The single door is for the linen closet. IMG_6954 In the first picture you can see a sliver of a door frame in the corner right.  That door leads to the laundry/cat room.IMG_6965 I printed and hung some pictures of the cats.  Most of the pictures are of Charlotte and Jill.IMG_6966I still have some empty spaces on the wall to fill, but my color printer is running low on ink. IMG_6967 One nice feature about this laundry room is the nice deep sink.IMG_6968 Next to the laundry room is Isaac’s room.  His room also doubles as the big kid play room so we put a lock on his door and hung the key where he could reach it.  We keep all the toys with small parts in his closet.IMG_6970 We also keep most of the kid’s books with paper pages.  He likes to say he has a library in his room and the girls can check out books.  As you can see, Nicole was visiting the library when I took these pictures.IMG_6973 You may also have notice that I have lots of blank space to fill on the walls.  Also, I dislike most of the curtains in this house.  The table is suppose to have a side for Isaac and a side for Charlotte, but Isaac’s creations generally take up the entire table.IMG_6972IMG_6971The next door belongs to the “duck bathroom.” There is a skylight through which you can see part of a very tall pine tree.IMG_6955I know, the phone in the bathroom is a little weird, I was trying to find a location upstairs where the little girls couldn’t reach it.  I wanted it not to be deep in a room, but easily accessible from the laundry room and the playroom.  The elevated door is to a medicine cabinet.IMG_6957There is one sink and a long counter with plugs on both ends. IMG_6958 IMG_6956 The next room is the girl room.  As you can see, it’s set up dormitory style with three beds all lined up.  Charlotte and Nicole sleep in here at night and Ila takes her naps in the crib during the day.IMG_6959This room also still has lots of blank wall space to fill.  I think I will either hang pictures of the girls together up or hang up math facts and whatnot for them to study as they fall asleep. Maybe it will be a combination of both.IMG_6962Charlotte wanted a place to hang drawings so I put a few nails in and used a hole punch to make the pictures hang.IMG_6963IMG_6964 The next room is the playroom, but I don’t seem to have any pictures of it on this computer either so I will have to post pictures of the playroom and master bedroom in the next post.