Our Trip, by Isaac

Can I just start off by saying, Isaac does not like to write.  I offered him a dollar to finish up this story with one more page and he turned me down.  I love his writing.  I love hearing how his brain puts ideas together.  His teacher asked him to write a journal of his trip since he took Friday off of school to go.  Here is what he wrote:image0 (The perfectionist in me wanted to have him start over on the cover and write the title in the center with better spacing, but I had to let go and let it be his).

image1 Text:  Isaac   4-4-11  Chapter 1.  It was friday April 1st.  We drove in 14 hours to Utah.  I joked my family.  When we got there it was night and time for bed.image2 (On the second page he decided it should be a chapter book so he went back and wrote chapter 1 on the previous page.  I wanted him to tie this page into the previous page by mentioning that he played with this toy at his grandparent’s house.  I was also frustrated by the change in writing style, but in the end I had to let it go and let it be his.)

Text:  Chapter 2  Constrstrux.  What are constructs.  Construx are toys that you slid (slide)  togethr to build thigs.  I built an army base, a motor boat with guns on the back, a truck, a boat parking garage, and a garbage truk.image0-1 (look, he dropped the chapter theme already, oh well)

Text:  My Mom and Dad bought Tangled.  Raphzel has 70 feet of magical golden hiar!  Rider hid in her tower.  If she sings her hair glows and It can heal too.  When her hair gets cut it solves almost All the prblems and her tear solves the rest.

image1-1 Text:  We went to our old house and it was extra damaged.  there were screw holes all over.  There as a crack on the sink.  The Renters made all the damage.

Sadly, I couldn’t get him to write a final page which mentions his grandparents and aunts or even any of the activities he did with them.  What can I say?  He’s a boy, building toys, movies, and damage to our house were what he choose to write about.