Weather Variety

We arrived safely in Utah late Friday night.  On Saturday the weather was beautiful.  We visited with our great friends, the Kelsons, and the kids played out side with no coats and at times with no shoes.  The kids had so much fun that on the way home, Isaac told me that if we don’t ever move back into our old home (which we still own), then he would think I’m a bad mother.

4.2.11 at the Kelsons (2)

Here’s what it looked like outside the next morning:


So those of you watching conference that noticed the spring flowers on Saturday and the Snow covered branches on Sunday, that’s just about what it is like.  The snow is melting quickly though, so who knows what tomorrow will be like.

One comment

  • Oh, I wish I had known! I happened to see some family photos of yours in the lost and found at church last week and snagged them to mail to you, but I still have them here.

    (And of course, it would’ve been great to see you and meet Ila!)