Friday Afternoon Adventure

The weather has been great this week with lots of sunshine.   On Friday we decided that we wanted to go somewhere as a family to enjoy the weather.  Zach came home a little early for our adventure.  We thought we’d got to Coulon Beach Park, but a lot of other people had the same idea and it was really crowded with no good parking.  We decided to try Lincoln park instead.  It was much less crowded.

We walked along beautiful wooded trails and stopped at some playground equipment to play.  5.20.11 Family Outing (4)5.20.11 Family Outing (12)After the park we followed a path down to the waterfront.  The tide was in so there wasn’t much beach, but we ate our picnic lunch on a bench and some rocks near the water.  5.20.11 Family Outing (25)We took a walk along the Sound and stopped to throw rocks into the water, until an urgent need to use the potty sent us back up the hill to the bathroom5.20.11 Family Outing (30)We took a scenic route to go home and stopped at Alki point.  There were geese and goslings all around and they didn’t seem very intimidated by people. 5.20.11 Family Outing (44) Ila loved them and kept chasing after them.  She might have even gotten close enough to pet one if it wasn’t for her mother grabbing her (I was afraid she’d get bitten).5.20.11 Family Outing (48)I love being so close to such neat places!