Isaac’s First Grade Musical Performance

The first and second grade put on their annual musical program/play.  Ila had been sick and grumpy so I left her home with Zach and took Charlotte and Nicole to the performance.IMG_8453The girls seemed to enjoy the show and Isaac was glad that we came.  We sat on the floor on the side that Isaac was on.  Isaac filed in with his class and took his spot on the bottom row of the riser.  As soon as Nicole saw him standing in his place, she stood up, walked over, and climbed into an empty spot near him.  I removed her from the riser as quickly and quietly as I could, but something about the way she just assumed that she was part of the show made me laugh to myself a little bit.

Isaac watched us much of the time, even though it meant that he was facing the wrong way for most of the show.IMG_8454He didn’t seem to know many of the words in the songs and he was often late on the actions (it was somewhat amusing to watch).  He also coughed into his elbow frequently whenever they were singing.  Isaac seems to always have a cough these days.  I took him to a pediatrician about it and they took a sample of his blood for an allergy test, we’re still waiting for the results.

Check out this clip of Isaac during one of the songs: